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New Testament Masculinities
SemeiaSt 45
Publication Date
December 2003



This collection considers themes of Christology, patriarchy, violence, colonialism, family structures, and sexual practices as it explores the construction and performance of masculinity in the New Testament and related early Christian texts. Examining the Gospels, Romans, the Pastorals, Revelation, and the Shepherd of Hermas, it situates diverse masculinities within a Greco-Roman matrix and introduces biblical scholarship to a rich vein of classical scholarship on gender.

“O Man, Who Art Thou...?” Masculinity Studies and New Testament Studies, Stephen D. Moore
Masculinity Studies: A Classified Bibliography, Janice Capel Anderson, Stephen D. Moore, and Seong-Hee Kim
Jesus, Gender and the Gospel of Matthew, Jerome H. Neyrey
Matthew and Masculinity, Janice Capel Anderson and Stephen D. Moore
Re-Mark-able Masculinities: Jesus, the Son of Man, and the (Sad) Sum of Manhood?, Tat-siong Benny Liew
Looking for a Few Good Men: Mark and Masculinity, Eric Thurman
“Behold the Man!” Masculine Christology and the Fourth Gospel, Colleen M. Conway
Paul, the Invisible Man, David J. A. Clines
“The Disease of Effemination”: The Charge of Effeminacy and the Verdict of God (Romans 1:18–2:16), Diana M. Swancutt
Protocols of Masculinity in the Pastoral Epistles, Jennifer A. Glancy
“Knowing How to Preside Over His Own Household”: Imperial Masculinity and Christian Asceticism in the Pastorals, Hermas and Luke-Acts, Mary Rose D’Angelo
Sexing the Lamb, Chris Frilingos

Ancient Masculinities, Page duBois
By Whose Gender Standards (If Anybody’s) Was Jesus a Real Man?, Maud W. Gleason
Manhood and New Testament Studies After September 11, Jeffrey L. Staley

Stephen D. Moore, Ph.D. in New Testament (1986), University of Dublin (Trinity College), is Professor of New Testament, The Theological School, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey. Janice Capel Anderson, Ph.D. in Bible (1985), University of Chicago Divinity School, is Professor of Philosophy and Religious Studies, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho.