A reading of discipleship as service from the ancient Galilee to contemporary Samoa
The Bible contains a collection of perspectives that should not be privileged over and against the perspectives of readers from other lands.This book offers an alternative understanding of discipleship under the influence of the Samoan tautua (servant), for whom the needs of family and local people are foremost, and approaches in biblical criticism that affirm locatedness of readers. Because discipleship is also about place, which might be in-between spaces, Nofoaiga offers tautuaileva (service in-between spaces) readings of Matthew 4:12–25 and Matthew 7:24–8:22 that emphasize place (Galilee) as well as the marginalized and excluded (the crowd). With the twirlings and ebbings expected from natives of oral cultures, Nofoaiga holds the complexity of tautuaileva in this study and offers it as his contribution to the assembling and assembly of islander criticism
- Tautuaileva, or service in-between spaces or in relational places, as a method of islander criticism
- A critique of traditional interpretations of the meaning of discipleship as abandoning family, duty, and responsibility
- Glossary of important Samoan terms and phrases
Vaitusi Nofoaiga is an ordained minister of the Congregational Christian Church Samoa and the Head of New Testament Studies at Malua Theological College. He is a member of the Oceania Biblical Studies Association.