Browse Books
Anita Norich, Yaron Z. Eliav
Jewish Literatures and Cultures: Context and Intertext
BJS 349
F. Rachel Magdalene
On the Scales of Righteousness: Neo-Babylonian Trial Law and the Book of Job
BJS 348
Jeffrey C. Geoghegan
The Time, Place, and Purpose of the Deuteronomistic History: The Evidence of ‘Until This Day’
BJS 347
Gary Beckman, Theodore Lewis
Text, Artifact, and Image: Revealing Ancient Israelite Religion
BJS 346
Robert A Harris
Discerning Parallelism: A Study in Northern French Medieval Jewish Biblical Exegesis
BJS 341
Rashbam's Commentary on Deuteronomy
BJS 340
Out of the Shtetl: Making Jews Modern in the Polish Borderlands
BJS 336
William Cutter, David C. Jacobson
History and Literature: New Readings of Jewish Texts in Honor of Arnold J.Band
BJS 334