Browse Books
R. J. van der Spek, Irving L. Finkel, Reinhard Pirngruber, Kathryn Stevens
Babylonian Chronographic Texts from the Hellenistic Period
WAW 44
Michael E. Stone
Armenian Apocrypha: The Short Questionnaire from Adam to Moses
EJL 58
James R. Harrison, Bradley J. Bitner
New Documents Illustrating Early Christianity 11B: Essays on Ephesus
Charlotte Methuen, Gury Schneider-Ludorff, Lothar Vogel
Reformation Movements in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
BW 7.1
Carrie A. Cifers
Dangerous Tales: Genesis 34 and Its Literary Descendants
BibRec 9
William G. Dever
For Those Who Sleep in the Dust: Essays on Archaeology and the Bible
Nicholas J. Schaser
A Ransom for Israel: Jesus and Jewish Salvation in Matthew
ECL 35
Roxana Flammini
La Segunda Estela de Kamose: Un estudio integral en contexto
Pekka Särkiö
Hidden Critique of Solomon in the Hebrew Bible
AIL 51
Susan E. Hylen
Journal of Biblical Literature 144.1
JBL 144.1
Matthew J. Albanese
Translation Technique and Literary Structures in Greek Isaiah 13:1–14:23
SCS 79
Douglas Estes
What John Knows: Storytelling in the Fourth Gospel
RBS 109