Browse Books
John T. Fitzgerald
Greco-Roman Perspectives on Friendship
RBS 34
Odil Hannes Steck
Old Testament Exegesis: A Guide to the Methodology, Second Edition
RBS 39
J. P. Louw, Eugene A. Nida,
Lexical Semantics of the Greek New Testament
RBS 25
Francis Martin
Narrative Parallels to the New Testament
RBS 22
David E. Aune
Greco-Roman Literature and the New Testament: Selected Forms and Genres
RBS 21
Abraham J. Malherbe
Ancient Epistolary Theorists
RBS 19
William Stroker
Extracanonical Sayings of Jesus
RBS 18
Thomas W. Overholt
Prophecy in Cross Cultural Perspective: A Source Book for Biblical Researchers
RBS 17
Michael E. Stone
Rock Inscriptions and Graffiti Project: Catalogue of Inscriptions, Volume 1: Inscriptions 1-3000
RBS 28