Browse Books
Joachim J. Krause, Omer Sergi, Kristin Weingart
Saul, Benjamin, and the Emergence of Monarchy in Israel: Biblical and Archaeological Perspectives
AIL 40
Suzanna R. Millar
Genre and Openness in Proverbs 10:1-22:16
AIL 39
Filip Čapek, Oded Lipschits
The Last Century in the History of Judah: The Seventh Century BCE in Archaeological, Historical, and Biblical Perspectives
AIL 37
Brian P. Gault
Body as Landscape, Love as Intoxication: Conceptual Metaphors in the Song of Songs
AIL 36
Susanne Gillmayr Bucher, Maria Hausl
Prayers and the Construction of Israelite Identity
AIL 35
Mark R. Glanville
Adopting the Stranger as Kindred in Deuteronomy
AIL 33
Israel Finkelstein
Hasmonean Realities behind Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles: Archaeological and Historical Perspectives
AIL 34
Johannes Unsok Ro
Poverty, Law, and Divine Justice in Persian and Hellenistic Judah
AIL 32
James D. Nogalski
The Book of the Twelve and Beyond: Collected Essays of James D. Nogalski
AIL 29
A. Graeme Auld
Life in Kings: Reshaping the Royal Story in the Hebrew Bible
AIL 30
Nicole L. Tilford
Sensing World, Sensing Wisdom: The Cognitive Foundation of Biblical Metaphors
AIL 31
Suzanne Boorer
The Vision of the Priestly Narrative: Its Genre and Hermeneutics of Time
AIL 27