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New Seals and Inscriptions, Hebrew, Idumean, and Cuneiform
Meir Lubetski
Publication Date
September 2008


This collection of sixteen papers is a significant addition to our textual evidence for the world of the Bible: it presents over fifty inscriptions, tablets, and seals from the collections of Shlomo Moussaieff, in Hebrew, Idumean, and cuneiform. Most of these texts are being published here for the first time.

Meir Lubetski is Professor of Modern Languages and Comparative Literature, Baruch College, City University of New York.

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David Noel Freedman, “The (Almost) Perfect Fake and/or the Real Thing”

André Lemaire, “New Inscribed Hebrew Seals and Seal Impressions”

Meir Lubetski, “Falcon of Gold”

Meir Lubetski, “Horus the Falcon as a Personal Name”

Meir Lubetski, “Nwyhw/Nwyw: New Names in the Biblical Period”

Meir Lubetski, “A Man Called Mnr”

Peter van der Veen, “Gedaliah ben Ahiqam in the Light of Epigraphic Evidence (A Response to Bob Becking)”

Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni, “Why the Unprovenanced Idumean Ostraca Should be Published”

Bezalel Porten and Ada Yardeni, “The House of Baalrim in the Idumean Ostraca”

Martin Heide, “Impressions from a New Alphabetic Ostracon in the Context of (Un)provenanced Inscriptions: Idiosyncrasy of a Genius Forger or a Master Scribe?

E. Lipinski, “Silver of Ishtar of Arbela and of Hadad”

W.G. Lambert, “A Document from a Community of Exiles in Babylonia”

Kathleen Abraham, “An Inheritance Division among Judeans in Babylonia from the Early Persian Period (from the Moussaieff Tablet Collection)”

Chaim Cohen, “Biblical Hebrew Philology in the Light of Research on the New Yeho’ash Royal Building Inscription”

Ada Yardeni, “A Note on a Qumran Scribe”

Richard Hess, “Aspects of Israelite Personal Names and Pre-exilic Israelite Religion”

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