SBL Press Bookstore

Hymnic Affirmation of Divine Justice
James L. Crenshaw
Publication Date
September 2007
“The doxologies in Amos (4:13; 5:8–9; 9:5–6) are symptomatic of the vagaries of biblical study. Some accept them as authentic passages but do not interpret them with the total message of Amos. Others label them as spurious and then relegate them to the category of liturgical additions. In this publication of his 1964 Vanderbilt dissertation Professor Crenshaw undertakes to study the function and form of the Amos and related (e.g., Second Isaiah) doxologies, pointing out that these hymnic affirmations are not alien theological accretions.… Crenshaw’s study has three very positive dimensions. Firstly, it clearly shows later additions to the text should not be relegated to the limbo of secondary passages. Rather, later hands have rightly sought to apply the message of Amos to new situations. … Secondly, Crenshaw has rightly insisted on the soteriological dimension of creation whereby creation is not a static but an ongoing reality.… Thirdly, Crenshaw has cogently argued that Israel’s prayer is also a locus for theological productivity.”
— John F. Craghan, Catholic Biblical Quarterly
— John F. Craghan, Catholic Biblical Quarterly