An innovative collection of inner-biblical, intertextual, and intercontextual dialogues
Essays from a diverse group of scholars offer new approaches to biblical intertextuality that examine the relationship between the Hebrew Bible, art, literature, sociology, and postcolonialism. Eight essays in part 1 cover inner-biblical intertextuality, including studies of Genesis, Judges, and Qoheleth, among others. The eight postbiblical intertextuality essays in part 2 explore Bakhtinian and dialogical approaches, intertextuality in the Dead Sea Scrolls, canonical critisicm, reception history, and #BlackLivesMatter. These essays on various genres and portions of the Hebrew Bible showcase how, why, and what intertextuality has been and presents possible potential directions for future research and application.
- Diverse methods and cases of intertextuality
- Rich examples of hermeneutical theory and interpretive applications
- Readings of biblical texts as mutual dialogues, among the authors, traditions, themes, contexts, and lived worlds
Marianne Grohmann is Professor of Old Testament at the University of Vienna. She is the author of Fruchtbarkeit und Geburt in den Psalmen (2007).
Hyun Chul Paul Kim is Harold B. Williams Professor of Hebrew Bible at Methodist Theological School in Ohio. He is the author of Reading Isaiah: A Literary and Theological Commentary (2016).
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This is Resources for Biblical Study 93. Visit the series page to view other available RBS volumes for purchase.