A collection of essays by experts from around the world
Like the other New Testament Gospels, the Gospel of John repeatedly appeals to Scripture (Old Testament). Preferring allusions and “echoes” alongside more explicit quotations, however, the Gospel of John weaves Scripture as an authoritative source concerning its story of Jesus. Yet, this is the same Gospel that is often regarded as antagonistic toward “the Jews,” especially the Jewish religious leaders, depicted within it.
- Introduces and updates readers on the question of John’s employment of Scripture
- Showcases useful approaches to more general studies on the New Testament’s use of Scripture, sociological and rhetorical analyses, and memory theory
- Explores the possible implications surrounding Scripture usage for the Gospel audiences both ancient and contemporary
Alicia D. Myers is Assistant Professor of New Testament and Greek at Campbell University Divinity School. She is the author of Characterizing Jesus: A Rhetorical Analysis on the Fourth Gospel’s Use of Scripture in Its Presentation of Jesus (Bloomsbury T&T Clark).
Bruce G. Schuchard is Professor of Exegetical Theology at Concordia Seminary. He is the author of Scripture within Scripture: The Interrelationship of Form and Function in the Explicit Old Testament Citations in the Gospel of John (Scholars Press).
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