New directions and fresh insight for scholars and students
The single greatest catalyst and contributor to our developing understanding of priestly literature has been Jacob Milgrom (1923–2010), whose seminal articles, provocative hypotheses, and comprehensively probing books vastly expanded and significantly altered scholarship regarding priestly and related literature. Nineteen articles build on Milgrom’s work and look to future directions of research. Essays cover a range of topics including the interpretation, composition and literary structure of priestly and holiness texts as well as their relationships to deuteronomic and extra-biblical texts. The book includes a bibliography of Milgrom’s work published between 1994 and 2014.
Roy E. Gane is Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near Eastern Languages at Andrews University. He is the author of Cult and Character: Purification Offerings, Day of Atonement, and Theodicy (Eisenbrauns, 2005) and Leviticus, Numbers (Zondervan, 2004).
Ada Taggar-Cohn is Professor in the School of Theology at Doshisha University, Japan. She is the author of Hittite Priesthood (Universitatsverlag Winter, 2007).
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