Engage an interdisciplinary approach
In Toward a Latino/a Biblical Interpretation, Francisco Lozada Jr. explores the complex and diverse issues related to Latino/a biblical interpretation and to applying it. He introduces three sample readings of biblical texts leading readers through the intricacy of interpretation that has historically and culturally surrounded understanding what it means to do Latino/a biblical interpretation. Throughout, Lozada attempts to work out various strategies that Latinos/as have employed to read biblical texts. He argues that Latino/a biblical interpretation is concerned with identity and belongingness with the goal toward the transformation/liberation of the Latino/a community. The future of Latino/a biblical interpretation is recognizing its interdisciplinary approach and the identification of the great diversity among its community.
- An introduction to what it means to do Latino/a biblical interpretation
- A demonstration of three different reading strategies (correlation, dialogical, and ideological) Latinos/as employ in reading biblical texts
- An exploration of whether one has to be Latino/a to do Latino/a biblical Interpretation
Francisco Lozada, Jr. is Charles Fischer Catholic Associate Professor of New Testament and Latina/o Church Studies at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas.
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