The past few decades have witnessed a renewed scholarly interest in the Septuagint, especially with regard to its importance for the fields of theology, Jewish studies, classics, philosophy, history of religions, linguistics, and history of literature. To provide students and scholars alike with ready access to the most recent developments, this collection of essays presents a comprehensive and representative picture of septuagintal research today. Specifically, this volume surveys methodological issues, provides thematic and book-centered studies focused on the Old Greek-Septuagint translations, explores the use of these translations in the New Testament, and issues a call for the exploration of the theologies of the Septuagint as a bridge between the theologies of the Hebrew Bible and those of the New Testament. It brings together a variety of perspectives, from emerging voices to seasoned scholars, both English-speaking scholars working on the New English Translation of the Septuagint project and German-speaking scholars working on the Septuaginta Deutsch project.
Wolfgang Kraus is Professor of New Testament Studies and Chair of New Testament at Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken, Germany. He is the co-editor of Septuaginta Deutsch: Das griechische Alte Testament in Übersetzung, forthcoming from the German Bible Society.
R. Glenn Wooden is Associate Professor of Old Testament Studies at Acadia Divinity College in Wolfville, NS, Canada. He is co-editor of “You Will Be My Witnesses”: Festschrift in Honour of Allison Trites (Mercer University Press); co-editor of Studies in the Scriptures of Judaism and Early Christianity, a subseries of The Library of Second Temple Studies and The Library of New Testament Studies (T&T Clark); and on the editorial board of SBL’s new Commentary on the Septuagint series.
Contemporary “Septuagint” Research: Issues and Challenges in the Study of the Greek Jewish Scriptures
—Wolfgang Kraus and R. Glenn Wooden
In a Mirror, Dimly—Reading the Septuagint as a Document of Its Times
—Cameron Boyd-Taylor
Exegesis in the Septuagint: Possibilities and Limits (The Psalter as a Case in Point)
—Albert Pietersma
Translation as Scripture: The Septuagint in Aristeas and Philo
—Benjamin G. Wright III
Contemporary Translations of the Septuagint: Problems and Perspectives
—Wolfgang Kraus
The Hermeneutics of Translation in the Septuagint of Genesis
—Robert J. V. Hiebert
Reconstructing the OG of Joshua
—Kristin de Troyer
Interlinearity in 2 Esdras: A Test Case
—R. Glenn Wooden
A Devil in the Making: Isomorphism and Exegesis in OG Job 1:8b
—Wade Albert White
The Jewish and the Christian Greek Versions of Amos
—Aaron Schart
LXX/OG Zechariah 1–6 and the Portrayal of Joshua Centuries after the Restoration of the Temple
—Patricia Ahearne-Kroll
Messianism in the Septuagint
—Heinz-Josef Fabry
Idol Worship in Bel and the Dragon and Other Jewish Literature from the Second Temple Period
—Claudia Bergmann
From “Old Greek” to the Recensions: Who and What Caused the Change of the Hebrew Reference Text of the Septuagint?
—Siegfried Kreuzer
Towards a “Theology of the Septuagint”
—Martin Rösel
The Letters of Paul as Witnesses to and for the Septuagint Text
—Florian Wilk
Flourishing Bones—The Minor Prophets in the New Testament
—Helmut Utzschneider
Abandonment and Suffering
—Stephen Ahearne-Kroll
The Septuagint Textual Tradition in 1 Peter
—Karen H. Jobes
The Epistle to the Hebrews and the Septuagint
—Martin Karrer
Observations on the Wirkungsgeschichte of the Septuagint Psalms in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity
—Ralph Brucker
Textual Variants as a Result of Enculturation: The Banishment of the Demon in Tobit
—Beate Ego