This volume continues a well-established tradition of presenting the proceedings of the triennial Congress of the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS) in published form. In method and content, the seventeen papers published here represent the current state of Septuagint studies, ranging in their approach from the conceptual to the specific and in their subject matter from specific Septuagint texts to issues translation past and present.
Melvin K. H. Peters is Professer of Religion at Duke University. He is editor of A Critical Edition of the Coptic (Bohairic) Pentateuch, volume 2: Exodus (SBL, 1986).
Introduction by the Editor
—Melvin K. H. Peters
The Kaige Recension: The Life, Death, and Postmortem Existence of a Modern—and Ancient—Phenomenon
—Leonard J. Greenspoon
Approaches in Translation Studies and Their Use for the Study of the Septuagint
—Theo van der Louw
The Translation of a Translation: Some Methodological Considerations on the Translation of the Septuagint
—Johann Cook
The Septuagint and the Vocalization of the Hebrew Text of the Torah
—Stefan Schorch
Provenance, Profile, and Purpose of the Greek Joshua
—Michaël N. van der Meer
Are Jael (Judges 5:24) and Mary (Luke 1:42) Blessed Above or Among Women?
—Sabine van den Eynde
David’s Return to Ziklag: A Problem of Textual History in 1 Samuel 30:1
—Anneli Aejmelaeus
The Historical, Social, and Literary Context of Old Greek Job
—Claude E. Cox
John Chrysostom and the Septuagint (Job and Psalms)
—Mario Cimosa
[lmntsch] in the Psalm Headings and Its Equivalent in LXX
—Hans Ausloos
The Meaning and Function of [Hallelouia] in the Old Greek Psalter
—Jannes Smith
The Place of the Enclitic Personal Pronouns in the Old Greek Psalter
—Raija Sollamo
Le traducteur grec a-t-il allégorisé ou érotisé le Cantique des cantiques?
—Jean-Marie Auwers
Le regroupement des livres prophétiques dans la LXX d’après le témoignage des chaînes exégétiques
—Mathilde Aussedat
Die sogenannten ‘Ebed-Jahwe-Lieder in der Septuaginta
—Evangelia G. Dafni
[En] with Dative Indicating Instrument in the Septuagint of Ezekiel
—Katrin Hauspie
Translating 2 Maccabees for NETS
—Joachim Schaper