A concise study of a large number of examples of pluses and minus providing insight into translation from Hebrew to Greek
Mirjam van der Vorm-Croughs focuses this translation study on the processes leading to pluses and minuses including linguistic and stylistic aspects (i.e., cases in which elements have been added or omitted for the sake of a proper use of the Greek language), literary aspects (additions and omissions meant to embellish the Greek text), translation technical aspects (e.g., the avoidance of redundancy), and contextual and intertextual exegesis and harmonization. This work also covers the relation between the Greek Isaiah and its possible Hebrew Vorlage to try to determine which pluses and minuses may have been the result of the translator’s use of a different Hebrew text.
- Eleven categories for the pluses and minuses of the Greek Isaiah
- Examination of translation techniques and translator errors
- Use of Joseph Ziegler’s critical edition
Mirjam van der Vorm-Croughs was a junior researcher at the Faculty of Theology at Leiden University on “The Septuagint of the Book of Isaiah” project from 2004–2010. As a translator and author at the Dutch Bible Society in Haarlem, the Netherlands, she is currently involved in production of a new translation of the Bible in simple Dutch.
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