Now available from SBL Press
Thirteen essays, some in German and others in English, tackle the complicated history of textual transmission of Sirach. This book presents the proceedings of an international conference held in 2014 in Eichstaett, Germany on the text of Ben Sira within its historical contexts. Contributors include James K. Aitken, Pierre-Maurice Bogaert, Franz Böhmisch, Anthony J. Forte SJ, Jan Joosten, Otto Kaiser, Siegfried Kreuzer, Jean-Sébastien Rey, Werner Urbanz, Knut Usener, Oda Wischmeyer, Markus Witte, Benjamin G. Wright, and Burkard M. Zapff.
- A sociocultural and theological history of Sirach
- Philological and textual problems of the Hebrew, Greek, Syriac, and Latin versions
- Translation strategies based on Greek, Syriac, and Latin text traditions and related hermeneutical questions
Gerhard Karner is Lecturer in Biblical Hebrew at the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg. He is collaborator in a project preparing a synopsis for the Book of Ben Sira.
Frank Ueberschaer is Assistant Professor for Old Testament Studies at the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg. He is a collaborator in the synopsis-project for the Book of Ben Sira.
Burkard M. Zapff is Professor for Old Testament Studies at the Catholic-University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. He is one of the responsible chairs of the synopsis project for the Book of Ben Sira, particularly for the arrangement and translation of the syriac version of Ben Sira.
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