Explore the opportunities and challenges of Septuagint studies
Explore the opportunities and challenges of Septuagint studies
Recent research into the Septuagint has revealed numerous examples of modifications of the meaning of the Hebrew text in the course of its translation into Greek. This collection of essays by one of the leading scholars on the Septuagint shows how complex the translation of individual books was, provides reasons for differences between the Hebrew and Greek Bibles, and paves the way for a theology of the Septuagint. Articles introduce the field of Septuagint studies, the problem of the Letter of Aristeas, and the Hellenistic environment and the hermeneutics of Hellenistic Judaism.
- A methodological discussion of whether and how a theology of the Septuagint can be written
- Essays introducing the field of Septuagint studies and its Hellenistic environment and the hermeneutics of Hellenistic Judaism
- Fifteen English and German essays covering twenty-five years of Septuagint research
Martin Rösel is Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at the University of Rostock in Germany. He was author and coeditor for Septuaginta Deutsch, the German translation of the Septuagint with commentary volumes. Rösel has authored and published numerous articles and books on the Septuagint and other fields of ancient and modern Bible translations.
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