Essays from experts in the field of Septuagint studies
This latest volume from the International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies (IOSCS) includes the papers given at the XVI Congress of the IOSCS, South Africa, in 2016. The articles contribute to the study of the Septuagint and cognate literature by identifying and discussing new topics and lines of inquiry and developing fresh insights and arguments in existing areas of research. Scholars and students interested in different methods of studying the Septuagint corpora, the theology and reception of these texts, as well as the works of Josephus will find in this collection critical information for future work in Septuagint studies.
Gideon R. Kotzé is Research Professor in the Focus Area Ancient Texts: Text, Context, and Reception at Faculty of Theology of North-West University. He is the author of The Qumran Manuscripts of Lamentations: A Text-Critical Study (2013) and the coeditor of Septuagint, Sages, and Scripture: Studies in Honour of Johann Cook (2016).
Wolfgang Kraus is Professor of New Testament at the University of the Saarland, Protestant Theology. He is the author of Das Volk Gottes: Zur Grundlegung der Ekklesiologie bei Paulus (Mohr Siebeck) and is editor in chief of Septuaginta Deutsch (Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft) and of Handbook of the Septuagint (Gütersloher Verlagshaus).<//p>
Michaël N. van der Meer is an independent biblical studies scholar and teacher of religious education at Hermann Wesselink College, Amstelveen. He is the author of Formation and Reformulation: The Redaction of the Book of Joshua in the Light of the Oldest Textual Witnesses (Brill).
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This is Septuagint and Cognate Studies 71.See more available volumes in the SCS series.