The essays in Dreams and Visions in the Bible and Related Literature focus on how the reading community interprets dreams or visions and what is at stake for whom in a dream or vision’s interpretation. Contributors explore the hermeneutics of readership, the relationship between reading and intertextuality, and the interplay of affect and emotion within dreams and visions in religious texts. A variety of methodologies are employed, including rhetorical analysis, critical theory, trauma studies, the analysis of space and society, and the history of emotions. Contributors are Richard J. Bautch, Genevive Dibley, Roy Fisher, Gina Hens-Piazza, Joseph McDonald, Deborah Thompson Prince, Jean-François Racine, Andrea Spatafora, and Rodney A. Werline.
Richard J. Bautch is Professor of the Humanities at St. Edward’s University, Austin. He has authored, edited, or coedited seven books, including Covenant in the Persian Period: From Genesis to Chronicles (2015), On Dating Biblical Texts to the Persian Period (2019), and Isaiah and the Twelve: Parallels, Similarities, and Differences (2020).
Jean-François Racine is Associate Professor Emeritus of New Testament at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University, Berkeley, California. Among other works, he is the author of The Text of Matthew in the Writings of Basil of Caesarea (2004), coeditor of En marge du canon: Études sur les apocryphes juifs et chrétiens (2012), and coeditor of Beauty and the Bible: Toward a Hermeneutics of Biblical Aesthetics (2013).
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