Engage essays that are profoundly theological and resolutely social
In this collection of essays, contributors seek to analyze the vision of the critical task espoused by Latino/a critics. The project explores how such critics approach their vocation as critics in the light of their identity as members of the Latino/a experience and reality. A variety of critics—representing a broad spectrum of the Latino/a American formation, along various axes of identity—address the question in whatever way they deem appropriate: What does it mean to be a Latino/a critic?
- Essays from sixteen scholars
- Articles bring together the fields of biblical studies and racial-ethnic studies
- Conclusion addresses directions for future research
Francisco Lozada, Jr. is Charles Fischer Catholic Associate Professor of New Testament and Latina/o Church Studies at Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University in Fort Worth, Texas.
Fernando F. Segovia is Oberlin Graduate Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the Vanderbilt University Divinity School in Nashville, Tennessee.
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