Exegetically noteworthy and culturally-theologically relevant
Violence in its wide range of horrifying expressions is real in people’s lives, and biblical interpreters must take violence in the world seriously to arrive at relevant ideas about the place of the Bible in the world. Each essay addresses people’s experiences of violence in the study of the Bible through the context of la violencia, the Spanish noun referring to the brutal, repressive, and murderous policies of state-sponsored violence practiced in many South and Central American and Caribbean countries during the twentieth century that external powers such as the USA often endorsed and fostered.
- Twelve essays by scholars living and working on the American continent
- Articles reveal the complex historical, political, and cultural conditions on the American continent that have contributed to our understanding of violence in the Bible
- Focus on themes of racial, social, and cultural violence
Susanne Scholz is Professor of Old Testament at Perkins School of Theology at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, USA.
Pablo R. Andiñach is Professor of Old Testament at the Instituto Universitario (ISEDET) in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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