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Evaluating the Legacy of Robert W. Funk: Reforming the Scholarly Model
Andrew D Scrimgeour, editor
Publication Date
October 2018


Enter the world of an academic trailblazer

Robert W. Funk, professor of New Testament, former Executive Secretary of the Society of Biblical Literature, and founder of Scholars Press and the Jesus Seminar, was one of the most gifted, controversial figures in modern biblical scholarship. The volume includes nineteen of his essays, correspondences, interviews, and administrative papers pertaining to the Society of Biblical Literature and Scholars Press. Colleagues introduce each section with reflections on the life and contributions of Funk.


  • Evaluation of the changes to scholarly societies and to scholarly research that Funk advocated
  • Exploration of the shift in the interpretation of Jesus’s parables initiated by Funk
  • Previously unpublished writings

Andrew D. Scrimgeour is Dean of Libraries Emeritus, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, the archivist of the Society of Biblical Literature, and the founding archivist of the American Academy of Religion. He is the editor of Just Call Me Bob: The Wit and Wisdom of Robert W. Funk.

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