For decades, scholars of African, African American, Asian, Asian American, Latino/a/x, and Native American heritage have employed their intellect, histories, and lived experience as a means to produce new and courageous scholarship and imagine greater in the Society of Biblical Literature. This volume celebrates the thirty years of service of SBL’s Committee on Underrepresented Racial and Ethnic Minorities in the Profession (CUREMP), a vital body in SBL dedicated to advancing the representation and work of racial and ethnic minoritized scholars in biblical studies. The volume includes the presidential addresses of groundbreaking scholars Brian K. Blount, Fernando F. Segovia, Vincent L. Wimbush, and Gale A. Yee. Gay L. Byron, Ahida Calderón Pilarski, Leslie D. Callahan, Jin Young Choi, Gregory L. Cuéllar, Jacqueline M. Hidalgo, Tat-siong Benny Liew, Velma E. Love, Andrew Mbuvi, Raj Nadella, Janette H. Ok, Angela N. Parker, Abraham Smith, Yak-hwee Tan, and Ekaputra Tupamahu provide reflections and responses that honor those who have led the way and point in new directions for future generations of scholars.
Stephanie Buckhanon Crowder is Professor of New Testament and Culture at Chicago Theological Seminary. She is a dually aligned National Baptist and Disciples of Christ minister. She is the author of Simon of Cyrene: A Case of Roman Conscription (2002) and When Momma Speaks: The Bible and Motherhood from a Womanist Perspective (2016).
Mary F. Foskett is Wake Forest Kahle Professor of Religious Studies and John Thomas Albritton Fellow at Wake Forest University, where she is chair of the Department for the Study of Religions. She is the coeditor of Ways of Being, Ways of Reading: Asian American Biblical Interpretation (2007) and Diverse Strands of a Common Thread: An Introduction to Ethnic Chinese Biblical Interpretation (2014).
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