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Hittite Local Cults
Michele Cammarosano
WAW 40
Publication Date
October 2018


An innovative translation and analysis of Hittite local festivals and of their economic and social dimensions

This English translation of the Hittite cult inventories provides a vivid portrait of the religion, economy, and administration of Bronze Age provincial towns and villages of the Hittite Empire. These texts report the state of local shrines and festivals and document the interplay between the central power and provincial communities on religious affairs. Brief introductions to each text make the volume accessible to students and scholars alike.


  • Critical editions of Hittite cult inventories, some of which are edited for the first time, with substantial improvements in readings and interpretations
  • The first systematic study of the linguistic aspects of Hittite administrative jargon
  • An up-to-date study of Hittite cult images and iconography of the gods

Michele Cammarosano currently leads a Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft-funded project on Hittite cultic administration at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg. His research interests focus on cuneiform palaeography and Hittite religion.

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This is Writings from the Ancient World 40. See more available volumes in the WAW series.