A Greek edition of Plotinus’s philosophical works with notes for students of Classical Greek
Plotinus, the father of Neoplatonism, composed the treatise On Beauty (Ennead 1.6) as the first of a series of philosophical essays devoted to interpreting and elucidating Platonic ideas. This treatise is one of the most accessible and influential of Plotinus’s works, and it provides a stimulating entrée into the many facets of his philosophical activity. In this volume Andrew Smith first introduces readers to the Greek of Plotinus and to his philosophy in general, then provides the Greek text of and English notes on Plotinus’s systematic argument and engaging exhortation to foster the inner self. The volume ends with the text of and notes on Plotinus’s complementary statements in On Intelligible Beauty (Ennead 5.8.1–2).
- An overview of Plotinus’s life
- Background discussion of Plotinus’s thought and outline of his philosophical system
- Analysis of the relationship of Plotinus’s thought to Plato’s
Andrew Smith is Emeritus Professor in the School of Classics at University College Dublin. He is the author of Plotinus, Porphyry and Iamblichus: Philosophy and Religion in Neoplatonism (2011), Boethius On Aristotle On Interpretation 1–3 (2010), Boethius On Aristotle On Interpretation 4–6 (2011), and Philosophy and Society in Late Antiquity (2005).
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This is Writings from the Greco-Roman World 44.See more available volumes in the WGRW series.