Most modern historians consider Tiglath-pileser III, king of Assyria, to be the true founder of the Assyrian Empire. In Josette Elayi’s latest work, she takes up this issue in her biography and history of his reign (745–727 BCE). Elayi explores questions surrounding how Tiglath-pileser managed to expand the Assyrian Empire after a period of weakness, what effects Assyrian domination had on Israel and Judah, and how the two kingdoms’ fates differed. Using archaeological and textual remains from the period, she completes her trilogy of biographies, which includes Tiglath-pileser’s successors, son Sargon II and grandson Sennacherib, who later led the Assyrian Empire to its greatest heights. Elayi provides yet another essential resource for scholars and students of Assyrian history and the Hebrew Bible.
Josette Elayi is honorary researcher at the French National Center for Scientific Research. She is the author of nearly forty books, including Sargon II, King of Assyria (2017) and Sennacherib, King of Assyria (2018).
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