This English translation of the second edition of Christian Frevel’s essential textbook Geschichte Israels (Kohlhammer, 2018) covers the history of Israel from its beginnings until the Bar Kokhba revolt (132–135 CE). Frevel draws on archaeological evidence, inscriptions and monuments, as well as the Bible to sketch a picture of the history of ancient Israel within the context of the southern Levant that is sometimes familiar but often fresh and unexpected. Frevel has updated the second German edition with the most recent research of archaeologists and biblical scholars, including those based in Europe. Tables of rulers, a glossary, a timeline of the ancient Near East, and resources arranged by subject make this book an accessible, essential textbook for students and scholars alike.
Christian Frevel is Professor of Hebrew Bible at the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany. He is also Extraordinary Professor at the Department of Old Testament and Hebrew Scriptures of the University of Pretoria, South Africa. He is the author of Desert Transformations: Studies in the Book of Numbers (2020) and editor of the Einleitung in das Alte Testament (ninth edition, 2015) founded by Erich Zenger.
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Praise for Christian Frevel’s History of Ancient Israel
Christian Frevel’s History of Ancient Israel is undoubtedly the most detailed and up-to-date work on the subject, which encompasses the biblical text, archaeology, and historical considerations. The added value of this monumental work is in the author’s methodological questions, such as when the history of Israel begins or what Israel means in the history of Israel. This volume will be the textbook on this matter for many years to come.