Now Available in Paperback
This fourth volume of the Philo of Alexandria Commentary Series, originally published by Brill in hardcover, presents the first readable, modern English translation and commentary on Philo’s De agricultura (On Cultivation), which gives an elaborate allegorical interpretation of Genesis 9:20. Noah’s role as a cultivator is analyzed in terms of the ethical and spiritual quest of the soul making progress toward its goal. Albert C. Geljon and David T. Runia focus on the treatise’s structure, biblical sources, and exegetical and philosophical contents. The volume provides valuable insights into Philo’s highly influential allegorical method of biblical interpretation.
Albert C. Geljon teaches classical languages at the Christelijk Gymnasium in Utrecht, the Netherlands. He has published on Philo of Alexandria and his influence on the Patristic writers.
David T. Runia is Honorary Professor at the Institute of Religion and Critical Inquiry at Australian Catholic University and Professorial Fellow in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at University of Melbourne.
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