SBL Press Bookstore

Semeia 47: Interpretation for Liberation
Katie Geneva Cannon, editor
Publication Date
This groundbreaking collection presents early work by African American and Asian biblical scholars whose influence on biblical hermeneutics pushed the academy beyond historical critical methods toward readings that engaged struggles for justice, self-determination, and freedom. Katie Geneva Cannon, Kwok Pui Lan, and Vincent L. Wimbush explore theoretical frameworks for biblical interpretation. Cheryl Townsend Gilkes, Renita Weems, Clarice J. Martin, and Sheila Briggs’s readings of texts from Psalms, Hosea, Acts, and Philippians demonstrate liberating responses that challenge Euro-American interpretation and racial rhetoric.
Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza
Slave Ideology and Biblical Interpretation
Katie Geneva Cannon
Discovering the Bible in the Non-Biblical World
Kwok Pui Lan
Historical/Cultural Criticism as Liberation: A Proposal for an African American Biblical Hermeneutic
Vincent L. Wimbush
“Mother to the Motherless, Father to the Fatherless”: Power, Gender, and Community in an Afrocentric Biblical Tradition
Cheryl Townsend Gilkes
Gomer: Victim of Violence or Victim of Metaphor?
Renita J. Weems
A Chamberlain’s Journey and the Challenge of Interpretation for Liberation
Clarice J. Martin
Can an Enslaved God Liberate? Hermeneutical Reflections on Philippians 2:6–11
Sheila Briggs
Katie Geneva Cannon (1950-2018) was Annie Scales Rogers Professor of Christian Social Ethics at
Union Presbyterian Seminary, Richmond, Virginia. She was a womanist theologian, ethicist, and the first African American woman ordained in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Cannon was the author of Black Womanist Ethics (1988) and Katie's Canon: Womanism and the Soul of the Black Community (1995). She coedited The Oxford Handbook of African American Theology (2014) and Womanist Theological Reader (2011).