Studies on Philo and Hellenistic Judaism from experts in the field
The Studia Philonica Annual is a scholarly journal devoted to the study of Hellenistic Judaism, particularly the writings and thought of the Hellenistic-Jewish writer Philo of Alexandria. This volume includes articles on allegory, Platonic interpretations of the law, rhetoric, and Philo’s thoughts on reincarnation.
- Articles on aspects of Hellenistic Judaism written by scholars from around the world
- Comprehensive bibliography and book reviews
David T. Runia is Honorary Professor in the Institute of Religion and Critical Inquiry at Australian Catholic University and Professorial Fellow in the School of Historical and Philosophical Studies at University of Melbourne.
Gregory E. Sterling is The Reverend Henry L. Slack Dean and Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament at Yale Divinity School in New Haven, Connecticut.
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This is Studia Philonica Annual 31. See more available volumes in the SPhiloA series.