This volume reexamines and reconstructs the relationship between the Deuteronomic History and the book of Chronicles, building on recent developments such as the Persian-period dating of the Deuteronomic History, the contribution of oral traditional studies to understanding the production of biblical texts, and the reassessment of the relationship of Standard Biblical Hebrew and Late Biblical Hebrew. These new perspectives challenge widely held understandings of the relationship between the two scribal works and strongly suggest that they were competing historiographies during the Persian period that nevertheless descended from a common source. This new reconstruction leads to new readings of the literature.
Raymond F. Person Jr. is Professor of Religion and Chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Ohio Northern University. He is the author of In Conversation with Jonah: Conversation Analysis, Literary Criticism and the Book of Jonah (Sheffield Academic Press), Structure and Meaning in Conversation and Literature (University Press of America), and The Deuteronomic School: History, Social Setting, and Literature (Society of Biblical Literature).