Priestly functionaries occupy a paramount position in the study of the Hebrew Bible. Despite more than a century of critical research, questions still abound regarding social location and definitions of the various priestly groups, the depictions of their origins, their ritual functions, the role of the laity and family religion, the relationship between prophecy and the priesthood, and the dating of texts. Making use of cross-disciplinary approaches, this volume provides a representative look at the state of current research into various aspects of priesthood in ancient Israel.
Mark Leuchter is Director of Jewish Studies, Department of Religion, at Temple University. He is the co-editor of Soundings in Kings: Perspectives and Methods in Contemporary Scholarship (Fortress). Jeremy M. Hutton is Assistant Professor of Classical Hebrew Language and Biblical Literature at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author of The Transjordanian Palimpsest: The Overwritten Texts of Personal Exile and Transformation in the Deuteronomistic History (de Gruyter).
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