Reflections on the relationship between the feminine image of Zion and God
This volume showcases recent exploration of the portrait of Daughter Zion as “she” appears in biblical Hebrew poetry. Using Carleen Mandolfo’s Daughter Zion Talks Back to the Prophets (Society of Biblical Literature, 2007) as a point of departure, the contributors to this volume explore the image of Daughter Zion in its many dimensions in various texts in the Hebrew Bible. Approaches used range from poetic, rhetorical, and linguistic to sociological and ideological. To bring the conversation full circle, Carleen Mandolfo engages in a dialogic response with her interlocutors.
Contributors to this volume include: Mark J. Boda, Mary L. Conway, Stephen L. Cook, Carol J. Dempsey, LeAnn Snow Flesher, Michael H. Floyd, Barbara Green, John F. Hobbins, Mignon R. Jacobs, Brittany Kim, Cheryl A. Kirk-Duggan, Christl M. Maier, Carleen Mandolfo, Jill Middlemas, Kim Lan Nguyen, and Lena-Sofia Tiemeyer.
Mark J. Boda is Professor of Old Testament, McMaster Divinity College, and Professor, Faculty of Theology, McMaster University. He is recently the author of 1–2 Chronicles (Tyndale House) and co-editor of Let Us Go Up to Zion: Essays in Honour of H. G. M. Williamson on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday (Brill) and Dictionary of the Old Testament: Prophets (IVP Academic).
Carol J. Dempsey is Professor of Theology (Biblical Studies), University of Portland. She is the author or co-author of numerous books, including Isaiah: God's Poet of Light (Chalice), The Prophets: A Liberation-Critical Reading (Augsburg Fortress), and Reading the Bible, Transforming Conflict (Orbis).
LeAnn Snow Flesher is Professor of Old Testament and Academic Dean at American Baptist Seminary of the West at Berkeley, Graduate Theological Union. She is the author of Left Behind? Facts behind the Fiction (Judson Press).
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