Now available in English
In discussions of the origin of the Pentateuch, the Priestly source traditionally constitutes an undisputed reference point for different source-critical models, and it is the only literary layer with concise terminology and a theological conception that can be extracted from a non-Priestly context. This English translation of Abschied von der Priesterschrift? Zum Stand der Pentateuchdebatte revisits the scholarly debate surrounding the Documentary Hypothesis and the so-called Priestly material’s position either as an independent written source or as a redaction within the books of Genesis through Deuteronomy. Contributors include Christoph Berner, Erhard Blum, Jan Christian Gertz, Christoph Levin, Eckart Otto, Christophe Nihan, and Thomas Römer.
Friedhelm Hartenstein is Professor of Old Testment at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He is the author of Die bleibende Bedeutung des Alten Testaments (2016), coeditor of Psalmen und Chronik (2017), and coauthor of The Hermeneutics of the Ban on Images: Exegetical and Systematic Theological Approaches (2021).
Konrad Schmid is Professor of Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism at the University of Zurich. Schmid is the author of A Historical Theology of the Hebrew Bible (2019), coauthor of The Making of the Bible (2021) and coeditor of A Farewell to the Yahwist? The Composition of the Pentateuch in Recent European Interpretation (2006).
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