Explore the ancient context of prophecy and prophetic figures
This collection of essays examines the construction of prophecy in the Former and Latter Prophets, Chronicles, Daniel, and even in the Quran. This unique anthology recognizes that these texts do not simply describe the prophetic phenomena but rather depict prophets according to various conventional categories or their own individual points of view. Each essay analyzes how these writings portray prophecy or prophets to better understand how the respective authors structured their writings.
- Introduction and twelve essays cover prophecy in the Hebrew Bible and the Quran
- Essays examine the relationship between the prophets and the cult, oral pronouncements and written collections, and divination, prophecy, and apocalypticism
- Additional essays raise questions about the prophetic persona and examine the prophets in hermeneutical perspective
Click here for the volume front matter, including the table of contents and introduction.
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"Students of prophetic texts or texts that portray prophets will appreciate the amount of data treated in Constructs of Prophecy."
— Elizabeth Currier, Trinity Journal