An exploration of genre questions for scholars and students
Contributors to this volume explore the theoretical issues at stake in recent changes in form criticism and the practical outcomes of applying the results of these theoretical shifts to the Book of the Twelve. This volume combines self-conscious methodological reflection with examination of specific texts illustrating the value of certain methodological approaches.
- Essays that demonstrate the practical consequences of theoretical decisions
- Contributions that illustrate new interpretations
- Focused attention to genre in the Book of the Twelve
Mark J. Boda is Professor of Old Testament, McMaster Divinity College, and Professor, Faculty of Theology, McMaster University.
Michael H. Floyd, Ph.D. (Claremont), is a retired Episcopal priest whose most recent position was at Advent-St. Nicholas Church, Quito, Ecuador (2010-2013). Prior to that he was Profesor de Antiguo Testamento, Centro de Estudios Teológicos, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (2007-2010).
Colin M. Toffelmire is assistant professor of Old Testament at Ambrose University. He is the author of articles on the Old Testament that appear in scholarly journals and edited collections.
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