Colleagues and former students honor Professor Jo Ann Hackett in this collection of essays focused on her interests in Northwest Semitic languages, epigraphy, and Canaanite religions of the Iron Age. Each section offers subject-specific chapters reflecting on methodology, while at the same time seeking to build connections between these three disciplines. Each contribution exemplifies the unifying theme of the collection: the continuing value and necessity of philological and comparative study of the Hebrew Bible. The contributors are Jason A. Bembry, Catherine E. Bonesho, Dexter E. Callender Jr., F. W. Dobbs-Allsopp, John L. Ellison, Steven E. Fassberg, Nathaniel E. Greene, Gordon J. Hamilton, Mark W. Hamilton, John Huehnergard, Jeremy M. Hutton, Susan Niditch, Heather Dana Davis Parker, Na‘ama Pat-El, Gary A. Rendsburg, Christopher A. Rollston, Aaron D. Rubin, Jacqueline Vayntrub, and Aren Wilson-Wright.
Jeremy M. Hutton is Associate Professor of Classical Hebrew Language and Biblical Literature at University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is the author of The Transjordanian Palimpsest: The Overwritten Texts of Personal Exile and Transformation in the Deuteronomistic History (de Gruyter) and the coeditor of Levites and Priests in History and Tradition (Society of Biblical Literature).
Aaron D. Rubin is Malvin and Lea P. Bank Professor of Jewish Studies, Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies, and Linguistics at Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of five books, including A Brief Introduction to the Semitic Languages (Gorgias) and The Jibbali (Shahri) Language of Oman: Grammar and Texts (Brill), and coeditor of the Encyclopedia of Hebrew Language and Linguistics and the Handbook of Jewish Languages (both from Brill).