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Political Memory in and after the Persian Empire
Jason M. Silverman, Caroline Waerzeggers
Publication Date
November 2015


An interdisciplinary study of the Persian Period

Various disciplines that deal with Achaemenid rule offer starkly different assessments of Persian kingship. While Assyriologists treat Cyrus's heirs as legitimate successors of the Babylonian kings, biblical scholars often speak of a "kingless era" in which the priesthood took over the function of the Davidic monarch. Egyptologists see their land as uniquely independently minded despite conquests, while Hellenistic scholarship tends to evaluate the interface between Hellenism and native traditions without reference to the previous two centuries of Persian rule. This volume brings together in dialogue a broad array of scholars with the goal of seeking a broader context for assessing Persian kingship through the anthropological concept of political memory.


  • Articles present the results of an international symposium held in Leiden, the Netherlands, 2014
  • More than twenty illustrations
  • Seventeen articles, an introduction, and a summary response

Jason M. Silverman is a Post-doctoral Researcher at University of Helsink. He is the editor of Opening Heaven's Floodgates: The Genesis Flood Narrative, Its Contexts and Reception (Gorgias) and the author of Persepolis and Jerusalem: Iranian Influence on the Apocalyptic Hermeneutic (T&T Clark).

Caroline Waerzeggers is Associate Professor at Leiden University. She is the author of Marduk-rēmanni: Local Networks and Imperial Politics in Achaemenid Babylonia (Peeters) and The Ezida Temple of Borsippa: Priesthood, Cult, Archives (Nederlands Instituut voor het Nabije Oosten).

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