A robust theoretical and empirical study using a linguistically grounded and data-driven approach
The Development of Biblical Hebrew Prepositions presents an analysis of the sources and diachronic developments of forty-one simple and multiword prepositions in the Hebrew Bible from the viewpoint of grammaticalization within a historical-linguistics framework. The study contributes a detailed corpus-based accounting of the variation evidenced by the usages of Biblical Hebrew prepositions and provides a descriptive model of the emergence of this linguistic subsystem. Furthermore, it demonstrates the value of integrating diachronic linguistics and philological approaches in the investigation of grammar, providing for an exhaustive language-internal description.
H. H. Hardy II is associate professor of Old Testament and Semitic Languages at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, North Carolina. He is the author of Exegetical Gems from Biblical Hebrew: A Refreshing Guide to Grammar and Interpretation (2019) and the coeditor of “Like ʾIlu Are You Wise”: Studies in Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures in Honor of Dennis G. Pardee (2022).
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