As part of the Society of Biblical Literature’s The New Testament in theGreek Fathers series, this book examines the textual affinities ofEpiphanius of Salamis in Acts, the Catholic Epistles, and the PaulineEpistles. Devising careful criteria for selecting quotations and followingestablished criteria for analyzing patristic data, Osburn reverses thecommonly accepted notion that Epiphanius systematically reflects anearly form of the Byzantine text. While his text of the Catholic Epistleswas likely Byzantine in character, the Greek text of Acts and the PaulineEpistles used by Epiphanius was common in the Eastern Mediterraneanduring the fourth century C.E. and is similar to the Later Egyptian textformfound in Codex Alexandrinus and Codex Ephraemi rescriptus. Inaddition to enriching our understanding of Epiphanius, this volumebroadens our knowledge of the New Testament text in the fourth century.
“The history of the transmission of the NT during the first four centuries of Christianity has long marked a conundrum for scholars. With the publication of Osburn’s analysis of the text of the Apostolos in Epiphanius of Salamis, another important piece of patristic evidence is available for understanding the NT text in the Eastern Mediterranean. … Osburn’s work demands the attention of any textual scholar or historian interested in the transmission history of the NT.”
— Carl P. Cosaert, Religious Studies Review