Explore new approaches to the Psalms of Solomon
The Psalms of Solomon: Texts, Contexts, and Intertexts explores a unique pseudepigraphal document that bears witness to the 63 BCE Roman conquest of Jerusalem. Essays address a variety of themes, notably their political, social, religious, and historical contexts, through the lens of anthropology of religion, cognitive science, socioeconomic theory, and more. Contributors include Kenneth Atkinson, Eberhard Bons, Johanna Erzberger, Angela Kim Harkins, G. Anthony Keddie, Patrick Pouchelle, Stefan Schreiber, Shani Tzoref, and Rodney A. Werline.
Patrick Pouchelle is Assistant Professor of Old Testament at the Centre Sèvres, Jesuit faculties of Paris. He is the author of Dieu éducateur: Une nouvelle approche d’un concept de la théologie biblique entre Bible hébraïque, Septante et littérature grecque classique (2015), and he is preparing a new French translation of the Psalms of Solomon.
G. Anthony Keddie is Assistant Professor of Early Christian History and Literature at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. He is the author of Class and Power in Roman Palestine: The Socioeconomic Setting of Judaism and Christian Origins (2019), Revelations of Ideology: Apocalyptic Class Politics in Early Roman Palestine (2018), and Jewish Fictional Letters from Hellenistic Egypt: The Epistle of Aristeas and Related Literature (2018).
Kenneth Atkinson is Professor of History at the University of Northern Iowa. He is the author of I Cried to the Lord: A Study of the Psalms of Solomon’s Historical Background and Social Setting (2003), The Hasmoneans and Their Neighbors: New Historical Reconstructions from the Dead Sea Scrolls and Classical Sources (2020), A History of the Hasmonean State: Josephus and Beyond (2016), and Queen Salome: Jerusalem’s Warrior Monarch of the First Century B.C.E. (2012).
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