An engaging collection of essays in honor of Professor Rimon Kasher
Zer Rimonim includes papers of interest to Professor Kasher in the areas of the Hebrew Bible and the ancient Near East and Jewish interpretations of the Hebrew Bible. Contributors from a variety of Israeli universities include Yairah Amit, Elie Assis, Jonathan Ben-Dov, Joshua Berman, Gershon Brin, Hezi Cohen, Tmima Davidovitz, David Elgavish, Brachi Elitzur, Yitzhaq Feder, Joseph Fleishman, Gershon Galil, Tova Ganzel, Isaac Gottlieb, Edward L. Greenstein, Jonathan Grossman, Mayer Gruber, Jair Haas, Jonathan Jacobs, Bustenay Oded, Yosef Ofer, Jordan S. Penkower, Yosi Peretz, Frank Polak, Meira Poliak, Moshe Rachimi, Ayelet Seidler, Yael Shemesh, Shimon Shtober, Nili Shupak, Uriel Simon, Miriam Sklarz, Yechiel Tzeitkin, Shmuel Vargon, Eran Viezel, and Yair Zakovitch.
- Essays in modern Hebrew
- Coverage of topics related to the Hebrew Bible, key rabbinic interpreters, and Karaitic and Byzantine interpretations
- English table of contents, front matter, and abstracts
Michael Avioz is senior lecturer in the Department of Bible at Bar-Ilan University. His main areas of teaching and research are Josephus’s interpretation of the Bible, biblical prophecy, and biblical historiography. He is the author of Nathan’s Oracle (2 Samuel 7) and Its Interpreters (Lang) and “I Sat Alone”: Jeremiah among the Prophets (Gorgias). He is currently working on a book entitled Josephus’s Interpretation of the Books of Samuel.
Elie Assis is a professor in the Department of Bible and Dean of the Faculty of Jewish Studies at Bar-Ilan University. His publications are mainly on literary and theological aspects of biblical narrative, poetry, and prophecy. His most recent titles include Self-Interest or Communal Interest: An Ideology of Leadership in the Gideon, Abimelech and Jephthah Narratives (Judg 6–12) (Brill), Flashes of Fire: A Literary Analysis of the Song of Songs (T&T Clark), and The Book of Joel: A Prophet between Calamity and Hope (Bloomsbury).
Yael Shemesh is senior lecturer in the Department of Bible at Bar-Ilan University. Her main areas of teaching and research are the poetics of biblical narrative, prophetic stories, feminist biblical interpretation, and animal ethics. She is currently completing a study on mourning in the Bible.
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