Engage and explore readings from a multi-religious, globalized, multicultural region
The papers in this collection were presented at the third meeting of the Society of Asian Biblical Studies held at the Sabah Theological Seminary, Malaysia in 2012. The essays represent the work of women/feminist scholars in biblical hermeneutics in this region who have raised questions against traditional, male-centered interpretations, offering distinct perspectives based on their experiences of pain, subjugation, and a forced sacrificial philosophy of life.
- Articles focused on finding justice for women through dialogue with biblical texts
- Reflections on migration, diaspora, displacement, discrimination, and conditions generated by poverty and systemic oppression
- Five essays from women in China, Japan, and Korea
Hisako Kinukawa is co-director of the Center for Feminist Theology and Ministry in Japan and serves as adjunct Professor of Biblical Studies, Feminist Theology, and Gender Issues and the Bible at Japan Lutheran Theological Seminary and Japan Agricultural Theological Seminary. She is the author of Women and Jesus in Mark: A Japanese Feminist Perspective (Orbis), Reading Biblical Texts from a Perspective of Gender Issues, Reading Biblical Texts from a Feminist Perspective, and Listen to the Silenced Voices (all from NCC Publishing House).
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