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Landscapes of Korean and Korean American Biblical Interpretation
John Ahn, editor
Publication Date
May 2019


A groundbreaking first collection of Korean and Korean American biblical interpretation

Essays by established and emerging Korean and Korean American scholars reflect a range of historical, textual, feminist, sociological, theological, and postcolonial readings. Contributors cast ancient contexts and even recent events in South Korea in light on familiar passages such as King Manasseh read through the Sewol Ferry Tragedy, David and Bathsheba’s narrative as the backdrop to the prohibition against adultery, rereading the virtuous women in Proverbs 31:10–31 through a Korean woman’s experience, visualizing the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) and demarcations in Galatians, and introducing the extrabiblical story of Eve and Norea, her daughter, through story (re)telling. This volume of essays introduces Korean and Korean American biblical interpretation to scholars and students interested in contemporary contextual interpretations.


  • An introduction of the “locative-textual” approach as a framework for Korean and Korean American biblical interpretation
  • New inroads by bridging Korean with Korean American biblical scholarship
  • Fresh grounds for fostering critical and contextual biblical scholarship by Koreans and Korean North Americans

John Ahn is Associate Professor of Hebrew Bible at Howard University School of Divinity. He is the author of Exile as Forced Migration (2010) and coeditor of The Prophets Speak on Forced Migration (2015) and Thus Says the LORD: Essays on the Former and Latter Prophets in Honor of Robert R. Wilson (2009).

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