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Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul: Essays in Honor of Frank J. Matera
Christopher W. Skinner, Kelly R. Iverson, editors
Publication Date
July 2012


This volume addresses the perennial issue of unity and diversity in the New Testament canon. Celebrating the academic legacy of Fr. Frank J. Matera, colleagues and friends interact with elements of his many important works. Scholars and students alike will find fresh and stimulating discussions that navigate the turbulent waters between the Gospels and Paul, ranging from questions of Matthew's so-called anti-Pauline polemic to cruciform teaching in the New Testament. The volume includes contributions from leading scholars in the field, offering a rich array of insights on issues such as Christology, social ethics, soteriology, and more.

The contributors are Paul J. Achtemeier, Sherri Brown, Raymond F. Collins, A. Andrew Das, John R. Donahue, S.J., Francis T. Gignac, S.J., Michael J. Gorman, Kelly R. Iverson, Luke Timothy Johnson, Jack Dean Kingsbury, William S. Kurz, S.J., John P. Meier, Francis J. Moloney, S.D.B., Christopher W. Skinner, and Matt Whitlock.

Christopher W. Skinner is Assistant Professor of Religion at Mount Olive College in North Carolina. He is the author of John and Thomas-Gospels in Conflict? (Wipf and Stock, 2009), What Are They Saying About the Gospel of Thomas? (Paulist, 2012), and co-editor, with Kelly R. Iverson, of Mark as Story: Retrospect and Prospect (Society of Biblical Literature, 2011).Kelly R. Iverson is Associate Professor of New Testament at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He is the author of Gentiles in the Gospel of Mark: “Even the Dogs Under the Table Eat the Children's Crumbs” (T&T Clark, 2007), and is co-editor with Christopher W. Skinner of Mark as Story: Retrospect and Prospect (Society of Biblical Literature, 2011).

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