Engage compelling arguments that challenge prominent positions in Pauline studies
In this innovative book Robinson examines the metaphors Paul uses in Romans 8:1-17 to reveal the roles that the Spirit and believers play in moral conduct. To do so Robinson applies conceptual metaphor theories to well-known but enigmatic metaphors like “walk according to the Spirit” and “the Spirit dwells in you.” In the process, he addresses thorny theological issues such as whether Spirit and flesh signal an internal battle within believers or two conflicting ways of life. Finally, Robinson shows how this study is relevantto related Pauline passages (e.g., Galatians 5:16-25) and to biblical interpretation ingeneral.
- Sustained argument that sheds new light on how Paul communicates with his audiences
- Substantial contribution to current debates about central theological concepts
- Conceptual Metaphor Theory and Conceptual Integration Theory applied to the metaphors in Romans 8:1-17
William E. W. Robinson is a Presbyterian minister and the Pastor/Head of Staff at SalemPresbyterian Church in Salem, Virginia. He has taught courses both in the church and inacademic settings and has been a member of the Society of Biblical Literature since 2005.
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