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John, Jesus, and History, Volume 4: Jesus Remembered in the Johannine Situation
Paul N. Anderson, Felix Just, S.J., Tom Thatcher
ECL 34
Publication Date
September 2024


John, Jesus, and History, Volume 4: Jesus Remembered in the Johannine Situation addresses the narrative development of the Johannine corpus over as many as seven decades. Contributors connect how Jesus is presented in the Fourth Gospel to how the memory of his ministry is developed in Palestine during the earliest period (30–70 CE), in Asia Minor in the later first century (70–100 CE), and in the main and alternative streams of post-Johannine early Christianity (100 CE and later).  Contributors include Paul N. Anderson, Harold W. Attridge, Giovanni Bazzana, Jonathan Bernier, Sherri Brown, Rex D. Butler, Andrew J. Byers, Stephen C. Carlson, Warren Carter, Amber M. Dillon, Jonathan A. Draper, Musa W. Dube, Charles E. Hill, Karen L. King, Peter T. Lanfer, Kasper Bro Larsen, Ian N. Mills, Alicia D. Myers, Reinhard Pummer, Tuomas Rasimus, David Rensberger, Clare K. Rothschild, Geoffrey Smith, Travis D. Trost, Meredith J. C. Warren, Kenneth L. Waters Sr., and Lorne R. Zelyck.  The collection pushes Johannine, Jesus, and early Christian history studies in new directions, raising possibilities for future research.

Paul N. Anderson is Professor of Biblical and Quaker Studies at George Fox University and is Extraordinary Professor of Religion at the North-West University of Potchefstroom in South Africa. He is a coeditor of SBL Press’s John, Jesus, and History volumes (2007–) and is the author or editor of more than twenty books on the Johannine corpus.

Felix Just, S.J., teaches biblical studies in several Catholic dioceses and is a member of the editorial board for the revision of the New Testament of the New American Bible. He is also a coeditor of SBL Press’s John, Jesus, and History volumes (2007–).


Tom Thatcher is cofounder and Chief Analyst of the Elemental Group. He has served as Dean of the Russell School of Ministry and Cincinnati Bible Seminary and professor of Biblical Studies. He is a coeditor of SBL Press’s John, Jesus, and History volumes (2007–) and is  author or editor of twenty books on the New Testament and early Christianity.