This latest volume in the Bible and Women series examines ancient noncanonical Christian texts for what they reveal about women, their engagement with Scripture, and attitudes toward them in texts dating to the second to eighth century. Three sections include once-forgotten texts rediscovered in locations such as Nag Hammadi, those that have been in continuous use through the centuries, and works written by women that are traditionally excluded from discussions of noncanonical texts. Contributors Bernadette J. Brooten, María José Cabezas Cabello, Anna Carfora, Ute E. Eisen, Judith Hartenstein, Ursula Ulrike Kaiser, Karen L. King, Outi Lehtipuu, Heidrun Mader, Antti Marjanen, Silvia Pellegrini, Silke Petersen, Uwe-Karsten Plisch, Cristina Simonelli, Anna Rebecca Solevåg, M. Dolores Martin Trutet, and Carmen Bernabé Ubieta examine a range of texts, including noncanonical gospels and acts, poems, prophecy, and grave inscriptions.
Outi Lehtipuu is Senior Lecturer in New Testament Studies at the University of Helsinki. She is coeditor of Tolerance, Intolerance, and Recognition in Early Christianity and Early Judaism (2021) and author of Debates over the Resurrection of the Dead: Constructing Early Christian Identity (2015).
Silke Petersen is Adjunct Professor in the Department of New Testament Studies at the University of Hamburg. She is the author of Maria aus Magdala: Die Jüngerin, die Jesus liebte (2011) and coeditor of „Eine gewöhnliche und harmlose Speise“? Von den Entwicklungen frühchristlicher Abendmahlstraditionen (2008).
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