Now in paperback!
This essential volume presents a balanced and cohesive picture of the Early Church. It gives an overall view of the reception, transmission, and interpretation of the Bible in the life and thought of the Church during the first five centuries of Christianity, the so-called patristic era. The handbook offers the context and presuppositions necessary for understanding the development of the interpretative traditions of the Early Church, in its catechesis, its liturgy and as a foundation of its systems of theology. The handbook presents a comprehensive overview of the history of patristic exegesis.
- Paperback format of an essential Brill resource
- Essays by leading patristic scholars on the most important Church Fathers, such as Augustine, Irenaeus, Origen, and Gregory of Nyssa
- Comprehensive bibliography of editions and studies on patristic exegesis published from 1945 until 1995
Charles Kannengiesser was Successor of the late Cardinal Jean Daniélou at the Institut Catholique, Paris, Catherine Huisking Professor of Historical Theology at Notre Dame University, Indiana (1982 to 1992) and Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ. Since 1992 he is Professor at Concordia University, Montreal. He has published several books and many articles on Athanasius of Alexandria and the Alexandrian tradition.