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The Life of Adam and Eve in Greek: A critical Edition
Johannes Tromp
Publication Date
June 2016
A Brill classic now in paperback from SBL Press
This critical edition of the Life of Adam and Eve in Greek is based on all available manuscripts. In the introduction the history of previous research is summarized, and the extant manuscripts are presented. Next comes a description of the grammatical characteristics of the manuscripts’ texts, followed by a detailed study of the genealogical relationships between them, resulting in a reconstruction of the writing’s history of transmission in Greek. On the basis of all this information, the Greek text of the Life of Adam and Eve in its earliest attainable stage, is established.
- Illustrations of textual relationships and variants
- Indices for subjects, passages, words in the text, variants, and additions and revisions
- Full critical apparatus with relevant evidence from the manuscripts
Johannes Tromp is Lecturer in Early Jewish Studies, University of Leiden.